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TeddySwap Airdrop Tracker

Welcome to our Giveaway Tracker page! This is where you can easily keep track of all the past and ongoing giveaways we've held, so you can stay up-to-date on what you've entered and what you've won.

We know how important it is to our community to have transparency and easy access to information, so we've created this page as a way to provide just that. You'll find all of our past giveaways listed here, along with the winners and the prizes they received.

Christmas Giveaway #150,000 TEDY10NoN
New Year Giveaway #250,000 TEDY10NoN
Twitter #350,000 TEDY10NoN
Twitter 1st 10k Followers #41,000,000 TEDY10,000YesN
Telegram and Discord2,000,000 TEDY11,000YesN
Twitter #61,000,000 TEDY15,000YesN
Twitter #75,000 TEDY1NoN
Twitter #850,000 TEDY10NoN
Twitter #95,000 TEDY1NoN
Twitter #10 (Round1)2,000 ADA/10,000 TEDY1@CARDANOGALAXYN
Teddy Bear Giveaway (Round 2)Round 2 TBC NFT1NoN
Teddy Bear Giveaway (Round 2)1,000 ADA/10,000 TEDY1NoN
Teddy Bear Giveaway (Round 2)1,000 ADA/5,000 TEDY1NoN
Twitter Space Giveaway50,000 TEDY10@r0cketm6n, @rco_dan, @marq0101, @mannybegaming, @actlikegeorge, @GraeceKoay, @gurdjieffmoney, @lordpartlow, @mnstrpool, @ariesman7458N
Discord Round 2 NFTRound 2 TBC NFT1Misiek#8358N