How to Run a Batcher/Badger
by: Clark Alesna
This section describes how to run a 🧸 TeddySwap Honey Badger 🦡 (transaction batcher) in the Cardano Preview Testnet.
- Knowledge on how to build, install and run the cardano-node, you can learn more from the Cardano Developer Portal (, which I also wrote a few year ago 😉.
- Fully synced cardano-node on the preview testnet
- Knowledge how to operate Docker containers.
Badger Wallet
First, you will need a cardano-cli
generated private key text envelope. If you already have one please skip this step.
You can also generate a private key text envelope derived from a BIP39 mnemonic seed using
but it will not be convered in this document. Please see for more information.
cardano-cli address key-gen \
--verification-key-file payment.vkey \
--signing-key-file payment.skey
Or if you don't have cardano-cli
installed, you can use Docker (create a keys dir first):
docker run -v $(pwd)/keys:/keys inputoutput/cardano-node cli address key-gen
--verification-key-file /keys/payment.vkey
--signing-key-file /keys/payment.skey
Generate a Cardano wallet address:
cardano-cli address build \
--payment-verification-key-file payment.vkey \
--out-file payment.addr \
--testnet-magic 2
Or, with Docker:
docker run -v $(pwd)/keys:/keys inputoutput/cardano-node cli address build \
--payment-verification-key-file /keys/payment.vkey \
--out-file /keys/payment.addr \
--testnet-magic 2
Next, move everything into one directory, for example:
├── payment.addr
├── payment.skey
└── payment.vkey
Once that is set, run the wallet secret generator via docker
docker run -v $(pwd):/mnt/teddyswap clarkteddyswap/teddy-badger-keygen:patch-1
Where $(pwd)
points to the directory of your badger-volume
or the directoy that contains the cardano-cli keys.
If succesfull you should see a new file has been created secret.json.
Your badger-volume
directory should now look like this:
├── payment.addr
├── payment.skey
├── payment.vkey
└── secret.json
Now we are ready to run the Badger 🦡, Let's go!
Running the Badger
First we need to download cardano-node
Preview Testnet config files:
Assuming you are inside the badger-volume
mkdir -p ./cardano/preview/ && cd ./cardano/preview/ && \
curl --output config.json && \
curl --output byron-genesis.json && \
curl --output shelley-genesis.json && \
curl --output alonzo-genesis.json && cd ../../
The badger-volume
directory should now look like this:
├── cardano
│ └── preview
│ ├── alonzo-genesis.json
│ ├── byron-genesis.json
│ ├── config.json
│ └── shelley-genesis.json
├── payment.addr
├── payment.skey
├── payment.vkey
└── secret.json
Finally, we create a Badger config file named config.dhall
inside the badger-volume
let FeePolicy = < Strict | Balance >
let CollateralPolicy = < Ignore | Cover >
let LogLevel = < Info | Error | Warn | Debug >
let format = "$time - $loggername - $prio - $msg" : Text
let fileHandlers = \(path : Text) -> \(level : LogLevel) -> {_1 = path, _2 = level, _3 = format}
let levelOverride = \(component : Text) -> \(level : LogLevel) -> {_1 = component, _2 = level}
{ mainnetMode = False
, ledgerSyncConfig =
{ nodeSocketPath = "/ipc/node.socket"
, maxInFlight = 256
, eventSourceConfig =
{ startAt =
{ slot = 9113273
, hash = "427d8bf518d376d53627dd83302a000213454642e97d2eeddc19cdcc89abfe8b"
, networkConfig =
{ cardanoNetworkId = 2
, ledgerStoreConfig =
{ storePath = "/mnt/teddyswap/log_ledger"
, createIfMissing = True
, nodeConfigPath = "/mnt/teddyswap/cardano/preview/config.json"
, txsInsRefs =
{ swapRef = "ab2aa12fa353fb6c1fe22c9bb796bddf8a3d2117ad993ae6e5a4d18cf1804e34#0"
, depositRef = "cb735015dff0039f59e16b7f1b2f4fe3d62a9a3b28e4dcc91e1828eff6788b4e#0"
, redeemRef = "a67a9c3023a61a1a9e3d17c118234d095d6e8da90fcb8be9b5a9cc532b8f6b75#0"
, poolRef = "19c83363f0291bbf0b3e62e2948b527e94ec0a2df5b4e2a51de85d1158632b7a#0"
, pstoreConfig =
{ storePath = "/mnt/teddyswap/log_pstore"
, createIfMissing = True
, backlogConfig =
{ orderLifetime = 9000
, orderExecTime = 4500
, suspendedPropability = 50
, backlogStoreConfig =
{ storePath = "/mnt/teddyswap/log_backlog"
, createIfMissing = True
, explorerConfig =
{ explorerUri = ""
, txSubmitConfig =
{ nodeSocketPath = "/ipc/node.socket"
, txAssemblyConfig =
{ feePolicy = FeePolicy.Balance
, collateralPolicy = CollateralPolicy.Cover
, deafultChangeAddr = "addr_test1vqth7nmwalquyp4n9vednffe3rfffwluyupp8guddwzkv5cwercpv"
, secrets =
{ secretFile = "/mnt/teddyswap/secret.json"
, keyPass = "password"
, loggingConfig =
{ rootLogLevel = LogLevel.Info
, fileHandlers = [fileHandlers "/dev/null" LogLevel.Info]
, levelOverrides = [] : List { _1 : Text, _2 : LogLevel }
Change addr_test1vqth7nmwalquyp4n9vednffe3rfffwluyupp8guddwzkv5cwercpv
to your newly generated cardano wallet address (in payment.addr
, txAssemblyConfig =
{ feePolicy = FeePolicy.Balance
, collateralPolicy = CollateralPolicy.Cover
, deafultChangeAddr = "addr_test1vqth7nmwalquyp4n9vednffe3rfffwluyupp8guddwzkv5cwercpv"
Your badger-volume
directory should now look like this:
├── cardano
│ └── preview
│ ├── alonzo-genesis.json
│ ├── byron-genesis.json
│ ├── config.json
│ └── shelley-genesis.json
├── config.dhall
├── payment.addr
├── payment.skey
├── payment.vkey
└── secret.json
Now we can start the badger with the following code:
Make sure your
is running, connected to Preview testnet and fully-synced!
to the path of yourcardano-node
socket file
docker run -v $(pwd):/mnt/teddyswap -v /absolute/path/to/cardano.socket:/ipc/node.socket clarkteddyswap/teddy-swap-badger:1649714b3794f8001f1de46cb37fc5e7ff0b2c84
Where $(pwd)
points to the directory of your badger-volume
or the directoy that contains the cardano-cli
Congratulations 🎊, your TeddySwap Badger 🦡 should now be running and will pick up order transactions soon, rewards will be sent to your defined cardano wallet address!